Wolves: 2 rune priests, 2 full squads of grey hunters (one meltas, one flamers+banner) in rhinos, one half-squad of GHs in a TLPC razorback, 2 squads of long fangs (one missiles, one lascannons, each had a heavy bolter), sniper scouts
Chaos: TDA chaos lord with lightning claws (Lord Parricidius), sorcerer, marines, khornate berzerkers ("The Kinslayers"), terminators with chain fists, posessed (lead by champion Jovis).
The game was "Eternal war: Crusade", with Dawn of War deployment.
Chaos won the roll, wolves deployed first. One rune priest with each LF squad. Lascannon long fangs took up a good position in the ruins, the rest have partial cover in some rocks. Chaos deployed partially behind the ruin on his side. Lord Parricidius deployed with the Kinslayers, and the sorcerer with the marines.
Nobody statred in reserve.
turn 1 (13:07)

The rhinos and the transports advance and disgorge the grey hunters. The rune priests grant the long fangs prescience. The lascannon LFs shoot at the CSMs, killing a few marines but most of the fire is aimed at the Sorcerer and fails to penetrate the his wards. Snipers take out two Posessed. the Melta squad of GHs fires on the terminators and takes out 3. The flamer GH squad shoots flamers and rapid fire bolters at the berserkers, killing two. Razorback fails to wound the Posessed. ML Long fangs split fire and kill one posessed and 3 berserkers. Chaos passes all leadership tests.
turn 2 (14:06)

Chaos advances accross the field. A Doom Bolt from the sorcerer kills a lascannon long fang, then the Firestorm is again denied by Wyrdsine. The CSMs kill another lascannon guy with bolter fire. The berserkers kill the two flamethrower marines with their pistols as they advance. Terminators shoot at the GHs but the rounds glance off their power armor. The posessed attempt to charge the flamer squad, but are repelled. The berserkers also fail to make the charge. The terminators charge grey hunters, who defeat them before they get to their initiative.
The grey hunters advance. Olaf attempts to hit the CSMs with living lightning, but the sorcerer denies him. The lascannon LFs all fail to wound the sorcerer. The snipers pick off a Posessed. ML LFs finish off the last posessed and kill 2 berserkers. The GHs finish off the berserkers with pistol fire, leaving just the lord. The GHs make the questionable decision of charging Parricidius; the squad with the banner fails its charge and is left behind, but the melta squad is engaged. The Chaos Lord attacks on a higher initiative and kills 4 marines. The remaining GHs inflict a few wounds but none of them penetrate the terminator armor.
turn 3 (14:48)

CSMs and sorcerer advance toward the lascannon LFs. Olaf again protects them from the firestorm, and he fails to cast the doom bolt. Their bolter fire fails to kill anyone. Parricidius kills the pack leader in a challenge, then several other marines, gaining a foul chaos boon (shrouded). He's still in combat.
The unengaged GHs move back toward their rhino, trying to use the time being bought by their fellows to gain some distance from Parricidius. The small squad from the razorback advances to support the lascannon guys. The lascannon guys take a wound off the sorcerer. The ML LFs and snipers between them manage to kill one CSM.
turn 4 (15:06)

CSMs and sorcerer advance. Doom bolt and firestorm are both denied. the CSMs fire on the small squad of GHs and take one guy out with a plasma pistol. Parricidius kills more GHs but is still in combat.
The flamer squad embarks back into the rhino, which speeds over toward the sorcerer. The snipers pick off the sorcerer with precision shots, and a couple of other marines. [he should have got look-out-sir rolls here, sorry Mark]. The chaos lord finishes off the last GH.
turn 5 (15:24)

The remaining CSMs fall back to hold a nearby objective and take cover. The lord advances but is not close enough to anybody to charge.
The small GH squad and the razorback move to take the hill. Snipers and LFs pour fire onto the Lord but fail to do any damage.
we roll, the game continues...
turn 6 (15:38)

Parricidius moves onto an objective. fire support takes one wound off the lord. GHs deploy out of the rhino and attack the remaining CSMs, killing one. [I don't think my razorback is supposed to be able to climb hills like this.]

we roll, the game continues...
turn 7 (16:05)

Chaos lord charges the snipers, one manages to take a wound off of him with the butt of his sniper rifle, and then they are all slaughtered.
GHs from the rhino finish off the CSMs, but can't quite reach the objective.
End of the game.
Wolves hold 3 objectives. First blood. (Sure didn't manage to kill the warlord! Parricidius makes it off to slaughter space marines another day.)
Edited by: cook on 11/15/14