Any potion priced 500 gp or less is available.
Armor & Shields
-Buckler +1: 1,000 gp
-Breastplate +1: 1,200 gp
-Heavy Wooden Shield +1, Centipede: 2,200 gp (summon giant centipede 1xday)
-Wyvernscale Plate: 3,300 gp (organic full plate)
-Light Steel Shield +1, Impervious: 4,000 gp
-Mithral Scale Mail +1, Creeping: 13,000 gp (10% spell fail, no penalty to stealth)
-Chainmail +1. Radiant: 16,000 gp (glows as torch, 'daylight' 1 hour/day)
-Light Wooden Quickdraw Shield +4: 16,000 gp (equip as swift action)
-Dwarven Plate: 16,500 gp (admanatine, DR 3/-)
-Dogslicer +1: 2,000 gp (small sized, sheds red light when wielded)
-Cold Iron Longsword +1: 2,300 gp (sheds light when wielded)
-Sleep Arrows +1 (20): 2,700 gp (nonlethal dmg, DC 11 Will or asleep)
-Greater Arrow of Giant Slaying +1: 4,100 gp (DC 23 Fort or deals +100 dmg to giants, sheds light when within 100 yards of giants)
-Bill +1, Keen: 8,000 gp (brace, disarm, reach)
-Quarterstaff +2: 8,000 gp (double, monk)
-Heavy Mace +1, Cunning: 8,000 gp (sheds light as torch)
-Cutlass +3: 18,000 gp (sheds lights when wielded)
-Heavy Crossbow +1, Flaming Burst: 18,000 gp
-Heavy Mace +1 of the Huntsman, Monstrous Humanoid Bane: 18,000 gp (sheds light as torch on command)
-Ring of Spell Knowledge, Burning Hands: 1,500 gp
-Ring of Spell Knowledge, Sanctuary: 1,500 gp
-Ring of Swimming: 2,500 gp
-Ring of Sustenance: 2,500 gp
-Ring of Maniacal Devices: 5,000 gp (embossed with symbols of Andrad)
-Ring of Strength Sapping: 8,000 gp
Ring of Protection +2: 8,000 gp
-Immovable Rod: 5,000 gp
-Minor Metamagic Rod of Empower Spell: 9,000 gp
Wondrous Items
-Shield Cloak +1: 2,000 gp
-Goggles of Minute Seeing: 2,500 gp
-Necklace of Fireballs, Type II: 2,700 gp
-Corset of the Vishkanya: 3,000 gp
-Swarmbane Clasp: 3,000 gp
-Belt of Constitution +2: 4,000 gp
-Headband of Wisdom +2: 4,000 gp
-Sandals of the Lightest Step: 5,000 gp
-Treasure Hunter's Goggles: 6,400 gp
-Belt of dexterity +4: 16,000 gp
Armor & Shields
-Bone Breastplate +1, Deathless: 4,100 gp (+6 AC, organic)
-Breastplate +2: 4,200 gp
-Darkleaf Cloth Studded Leather +1, Poison Resistant: 4,800 gp (5% spell fail, max dex +7, 0 armor check pen, organic)
-Light Crossbow +1: 2,000 gp
-Spiked Gauntlet +1, Vicious: 4,000 gp
Rings & Rods
-Ring of Feather Falling: 2,200 gp
-Minor Metamagic Rod of Reach Spell: 3,000 gp
Wondrous Items
-Handy Haversack: 2,000 gp
-Bracers of Falcon's Aim: 4,000 gp
-Gauntlets of the Skilled Maneuver, Grapple*: 4,000 gp
-Pearl of Power, 2nd level: 4,000 gp
-Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier*: 5,000 gp
-Tunic of Deadly Might*: 6,000 gp
*It seems these items belonged to a mercenary who died inside the Grave, and were sold to Una by his surviving compatriots. They are of strange/outlandish design; apparently the mercenary hailed from the Infernal Hegemony.
MORE TO COME... this just takes much longer than anticipated to generate!
Edited by: 9thdm on 9/21/14