9th World -- The Eastern Monarchies (4 posts)

thread created on 2/5/14 at 22:54

The Eastern Monarchies - The Two Isles War - Kingdom of Southwatch - Kingdom of DelMostro

9thdm, 2/5/14 22:54
The Eastern Monarchies

Astermont. Technically the Kingdom of West Astermont, the 'West' designation is usually dropped except in the most formal of circumstances, even amongst its own peoples. Currently ruled by King Leonard Halstrom II, successor to King Byram Halstrom "the Lenient". The second smallest of the Monarchies, it has risen to prominence over the past 40 years with the explosion of a bourgeois class and influx of massive resources from the pursuit of "mercantile adventurism". The source of this cultural revolution stems from the original Astermont merchant-adventurers of two generations ago, privateer veterans from the Two Isles War who, inspired by their time with the captains of the Northern Isles, decided to take their war pay and invest in ships of their own, sailing the thin line between piracy and mercantilism along the settlements of the Inner Coast. Today, the families of these original pioneers tend to trade with now traditional sources established by their more rambunctious forefathers, or have settled into skilled trades as craftsmen, scholars, or gentlemen of leisure; however, most still possess one or more family ships, which has led to the nation having a sizeable 'volunteer' navy of patriots and thrill-seekers to call upon in times of need. The current generation's merchant-adventurers seek their fortune by striking into the Shattered Lands and Western Wilds for rare and precious goods, while a new breed of financially secure "scholar-adventurer" travels the Inner and even Outer Kingdoms in search of knowledge, excitement, and fame. This is Cook's native land.

Edited by: 9thdm on 2/6/14

9thdm, 2/6/14 11:14
The Two Isles War

Fifty years ago, Astermont and the Northern Isle began buying their grain from Godfall, which led to Eslanda mounting blockades through their ally's navy, Southwatch. The situation escalated over 2 years and eventually led to both Eslanda and Astermont stationing troops on Godfall with an eye to colonize. When fighting on the island itself resulted in large casualties and damages amongst native farmers, the druids intervened, routing the armies off the island with frightening speed and forbidding future agricultural trade, as well as warning the Monarchies to keep their wars and their armies off of Godfall.

Edited by: 9thdm on 2/6/14

9thdm, 10/31/14 08:58
Kingdom of Southwatch

Ruler: King Adalwulf Redtrench, Commander of the Seven Counties, Count of Thronehold, and Master of Stormwall Castle.

Inherited feudal monarchy, no exports. Divided into seven counties, with most having standing militias which keep the peace, the bulk of which are comprised of the lowest ranked nobility, bastards, and debtors. Each Count also personally commands a much smaller, better-trained personal army for matters beyond the scope of common infantry. Elite soldiers vary by County; while the title "knight" is used, most are not cavalry.

The counties have a small number of aristocratic families; inbreeding is common, with inter-county marriages reserved for political motives, making the internal politics of the kingdom a nearly incomprehensible tangled mass of bloodlines. Easterners tend to be pale, short, and stocky, with dark hair and eyes; midlanders tend to be taller, with more color in their skin and fairer hair; westerners have a much wider range of appearance due to occassional fresh blood from abroad. No "working class"; there are serfs, soldiers, and nobility.

The three main towns are, from west to east, Port Somber, Redbush, and Thistlebrook. Port Somber is the major port of the Eastern Monarchies closest to Godfall, and earns much of its coin from the large number of pilgrims that pass through every year. Redbush is the capital of Southwatch, and hosts a variety of knightly tournaments throughout the year, as well as being the major trade center with Eslanda. Thistlebrook was the largest town east of Redbush until last summer, when it was nearly burnt to the ground by a goblin horde.

King Adalwulf rules his kingdom from Stonewall Castle in Redbush, and is known as an unfair but consistent monarch, who keeps his Counts in line through tradition and taxation, as well as boasting the largest personal army. While it is well known that his coffers overflow during both feast and famine, despite the near infamous poverty suffered by most of the Kingdom, yet the Southmen believe that a King is a reflection of his Kingdom. The two most well-known Counts (besides the King) are:

Hergurd Staevin, Count of Seaquill, High Admiral of Southwatch, and Lord of Highwater Keep, whose seat of power is in Port Somber; a well-liked man whose travels as a sailor in his youth have given him a much more liberal outlook than the rest of his peers. His experience and acumen at sea battle is well known, and he is technically the commander of all the fleets of Southwatch, those being his own and those of the two other coastal Counties.

Thorgriff Baer, Count of Lowbriar, Count Regent of Midland, Lord of Thorn Keep, Lord Regent of Oster Keep, and the Scourge of Greenmarch; his traditional seat of power is in Rosewall (Thorn Keep), but he has been in residence at Thistlebrook (Oster Keep) since that town's near destruction by goblins. The King's first cousin is a man feared by most, known for his extreme and uncompromising brutality in dealing with enemies and for his devout worship of Terra. Many view him as little more than the King's thug, as his duties and powers are consistently increased to infringe upon those of other Counts, and there are rumours that he himself set fire to Thistlebrook to burn the marauding goblins.

Edited by: 9thdm on 11/6/14

9thdm, 1/31/15 00:07
Kingdom of DelMostro

Ruler: Tyrant Giovanni Borza "Manticoro" Del Mostro

Noble Houses: Del Mostro (Dragon), Grivano (Sphinx), Marvosi (Medusa), Sardinas (Chuul), Consulati (Raven)

Societal Alignment: CN

The Kingdom of DelMostro, or, more properly, the Del Mostro Autocracy, was founded by it's first Tyrant, Augustino Tyrannus Drago Del Mostro, some two and a half centuries ago. Augustino, who is said to have possessed both giantish and draconic heritage, was a gladiator who led a slave rebellion which conquered Turano, which was the capital of the Ruby Kingdom at the time.

Once Turano fell, neighboring nations Eslanda and Southwatch moved in to try and annex as much land as possible; Eslanda acquired the northern third of its current territory in this fashion, while Southwatch acquired what is now County Northhook. They were prevented from splitting the entirety of the Ruby Kingdom amongst themselves, however, when they began to siege Turano.

Both kingdoms thought Augustino and his forces of freed slaves would be easy prey for their more experienced and disciplined armies; unfortunately, they were at best only half correct. Augustino proved to be a terrifying and unforgiving opponent, slaying entire companies of men with magical fire; those who proved resistant to this method he tore limb from limb with his bare hands, beginning with the highest ranking officers in sight. Over the next few decades the borders of the new "Kingdom of DelMostro" stabilized, basically representing how far Augustino was willing to pursue foreign forces which angered him.

Augustino's rule lasted 80 years, during which time it is believed that the nation ran mainly on the wealth amassed by the late royal line of the Ruby Kingdom. During his rule the first Tyrant delegated a large amount of wealth and authority amongst three of his most trusted lieutenants, thus establishing the three noble houses which dominate DelMostran politics to this day. He also laid the basic principle of DelMostran law: Anything is permissable, so long as it does not threaten the nation or anger the Tyrant.

Augustino's reign ended when he disappeared under unknown circumstances. After two years without the Tyrant the nation began to fall into total chaos, with Southwatch and Eslanda once again amassing forces along the border, when Augustino's only known offspring, Borza Guillermo DelMostro, declared himself successor to his father with the backing of all three houses. Known as the "Iron Bastard", Borza successfully brought the country's dissolute factions together under his reign with methods similar to his father's, killing any leaders of dissent or challengers to his authority in personal combat, in which he excelled due largely to his apparent immunity to conventional and magical weaponry.

Borza's reign was a tumultuous one, plagued by internal instabilites, Eslandan incursions, and economic woes. To solidify his position and power he married the eldest unwed daughter of the Grivano family near the end of his reign. The union proved a success; with the additional resources and manpower of the sphinxes at his disposal, Borza marshalled what had become the disparate personal armies of the noble houses into a unified military force. It also produced a legitimate heir, creating confidence in Turano's long-term stabiity. Unfortunately, Borza died unexpectedly after a brief battle with a rotting illness in the 79th year of his reign, and his son Giovanni ascended to Tyrancy, only 15 years old.

Giovanni was known to be a bookish, scholarly sort, unpossessed of any of the mighty and terrible physical traits of his father and grandfather. The young Tyrant's first act was to declare a day of combat: he would arrive alone at the main city square on the morrow to meet any who cared to challenge his right or ability to rule. The next day a small army of challengers had amassed, everyone from sorcerers and aristocrats to mercenaries and thugs, and a crowd of a hundred times as many citizens had gathered to witness the event.

Giovanni arrived alone and unarmed, and gave all those gathered within the square a chance to rethink their decision and leave in peace. His offer was met with challenges, insults, and not a few arrows and spears. Giovanni promptly produced a large red gem from the folds of his robe and, at his command, it struck out at his opponents with flashes of red energy, disintegrating them all in a grisly display before they could scream in pain or protest. A moment of stunned silence was followed by raucous cheers and applause from all those gathered, and the new Tyrant's power was confirmed.

In the 105 years since becoming Tyrant, Giovanni has successfully revitalized the DelMostran economy, thanks largely to his reinstatement of the Consulati, a class of educated elite with status on par with that of aristocracy. The arts and sciences flourish in Turano, whether it be in the shadowy halls of the Gallery Obscura, the cramped classrooms of the Augustino Universities, or the sturdy workshops of the Apostate Collective. The Tyrant himself is known to have a firm dislike for Eslanda, and it was by his command that the Consulati devised methods of producing superior silks merely to spite that nation, who had taken great pride in monopolizing the trade for over an Age.

DelMostro also has the greatest number of "monstrous" citizens of all the Eastern Monarchies by far, as possessing traits and powers through mixed heritage is seen as a sign of strength, rather than corruption; this has led it to it often being referred to as the "Kingdom of Monsters."

Edited by: 9thdm on 1/31/15

The Eastern Monarchies - The Two Isles War - Kingdom of Southwatch - Kingdom of DelMostro