9th World -- Cook's character sheet (1 posts)

thread created on 9/22/13 at 18:22

Cook's character sheet

cook, 9/22/13 18:22
Cook's character sheet

Archibald Cook, Explorer
Human Fighter(Lore Warden) 4 / Monk(Maneuver Master) 3
The 9th World; 12/2012

Str 18 +4 = 22
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 10

Max HP: 62 = 10(F1) +7*2(con) +7(toughness) +3*4.5(2M) +3*5.5(2F) +1(favored)
Current: 39
AC: 21 = 10 +6(armor) +2(dex) +1(defl) +1(luck) +1(dodge) [+4 vs movement AoO]
25 when fighting defensively [+4 vs movement AoO]
Init: +8 = +2(dex) +4(feat) +2(trait)
Mv: 40'

BAB: +6/+1
Melee: +13/+8 (+6 bab, +6 str, +1 genius) [-2 power attack or -2 fighting defensively]
Ranged: +9/+4
CMB: +16 = +6(bab) +1(mt) +6(str) +1(genius) +2(mm); +20 grapple; +18+enh trip/disarm; [-2 during flurry of maneuvers, possibly power attack penalty]
CMD: 29 = 10 +6(bab) +6(str) +1(genius) +2(dex) +2(mm) +1(defl) +1(luck); 34 grapple/trip; 31 disarm

fighting defensively gives: +4 dodge to AC; -2 to hit
power attack gives: -2 to hit; +4/6 damage

F: +9 = 4+3 +2(con)
R: +6 = 1+3 +2(dex)
W: +3 = 1+3 -1(wis)
[+2 vs negative energy or death magic]

Mwk Admt Glaive: +14/+9 , 1d10+10 , 20x3
Mwk Admt Glaive PA: +12/+7 , 1d10+16 , 20x3
Bast. Sword +2 +15/+10 , 1d10+12 , 19x2
Bast. Sword +2 PA: +13/+8 , 1d10+18 , 19x2
Unarmed: +13/+8 , 1d6+7 , 20x2
Unarmed PA: +11/+6 , 1d6+11 , 20x2
MwkDagger: +14/+9 , 1d4+7 , 19x2 (or +10 thrown 10')
Javelin x2: +9 , 1d6+7 , 20x2 , 30'
Sling: +9 , 1d4+7 , 20x2 , 50'
(+1 damage is from Genius)

Feats & Abilities:
1 H1 Toughness
1 1 Blind-Fight
1 F1 Combat Reflexes
2 [Ed] Gravemarked (+2 vs death & neg. energy)
2 M1 Improved Unarmed Strike
2 M1 Powerful Manoevers
2 M1 Improved Initiative (in place of stunning fist)
2 [M1] Flurry of Manuevers (in place of flurry of blows)
3 [Ed] Firstmark (+2 climb/perception)
3 3 Genius Mark - str (Ed feat)
3 [LW2] Deft Manoevers
3 F2 Crane Style (swapped in at F4)
4 [LW3] Maneuver Mastery +2
5 [M2] Dodge+Mobility
5 [M2] Evasion
5 5 Dilletante
6 [Ed] Light armor treated as no armor for monk abilities
6 [M3] Manuever Training
6 [M3] Manuever Defense (in place of still mind)
6 [M3] Fast Movement
7 7 Expanded Genius (Ed feat)
7 [F4] Greater Grapple
7 [Ed] True Genius (Ed feat; from the Placid Mirror)

Skills: ( 7 = (2(ftr)+2(LW) or 4(mnk)) +1(human) +2(int) ) x7 levels
Acrobatics 9 = 6 +3 +2 -2(acp)
Climb 12 = 2 +3 +6 +2(fm) +1(gm) -2(acp)
Diplomacy 5*= 1 +3 +0 +1(trait) [+2 vs caste system]
Knowl(Dungeoneering) 8 = 1 +3 +2 +2f
Knowl(Engineering) 8 = 1 +3 +2 +2f
Knowl(Geography) 12 = 7 +3 +2
Knowl(History) 9 = 2 +3 +2 +2f
Knowl(Local) 10 = 3 +3 +2 +2f
Knowl(Nobility) 10 = 3 +3 +2 +2f
Linguistics 10 = 5 +3 +2
Perception 11 = 7 +3 -1 +2(fm)
Ride 6 = 1 +3 +2
Stealth 10 = 7 +3 +2 -2(acp)
Survival 3 = 1 +3 -1
Swim 9 = 1 +3 +6 +1(gm) -2(acp)

[M]Cloak: cast mage hand at will; enlarge 1/day; expeditious retreat 1/day
[M]Bastard Sword +2 (6lb)
[M]Ring of Protection +1
[M]Belt of +4 str
[M]Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier (frog demon hat, +1 luck AC, 1/day negate a crit or sneak attack as immediate action)
Elven Chain (20lb)
Cold Iron Scythe (10lb)
Adamantite Glaive (10lb)
Javelin x2 (4lb)
Mwk Dagger (2lb)
Sling bullets x10 (5lb)
Backpack (2lb)
Bedroll (5lb)
Flint & Steel
Grappling Hook (4lb)
Small steel mirror (0.5lb)
Chalk x5
Parchment x10
Ink x2
100' Silk Rope (10lb)
Fishhook x3
Waterskin (4lb)
Sealing Wax (1lb)
Explorer's Clothes (8lb)
Rations x5 (5lb)
Scrollcase x2 (1lb)
Adventuring kit (wtf)
Torch x3 (3lb)
Sunrod x6 (6lb)
Antitoxin x3
Belaying Pin from Shingles
Potion: Ant Haul x2
Potion: Enlarge Person x2
Potion: CMW x4
Potion: CLW x2
Potion: Lesser Restoration
Gold: 2862
( = 106.5 out of 173 pounds )

Stored with Una:
Partial (old/previous-age) detailed world maps from the Jovic Crucible
Several books from the Jovic Crucible
Several books from Deca's underwater lair
Several books about the Asterthrone and expeditions thereto

Languages: 1 +2(int) +5(Linguistics)

Reactionary (+2init)
World Traveler (Diplomacy as a class skill)
Know Their Place (+2dipl/sense motive in caste system) [EK regional bonus]

Favored class (fighter) bonuses:
1 (F1): +1 hp
3 (F2): +1 CMD vs grapple,trip
4 (F3): +1 CMD vs grapple,trip
7 (F4): +1 CMD vs grapple,trip

Edited by: cook on 6/4/17

Cook's character sheet