9th World -- Gravemark feats (9 posts)

thread created on 1/24/13 at 21:46

Gravemark feats - Beastmark - Dragonmark - Elemental Mark - Firstmark (Human) - Genius Mark - Ghostmark - Mother's Mark - Terra's Mark

9thdm, 1/24/13 21:46
Gravemark feats

Gravemarked. After having visited the interior of the Great Mother's Grave and returned, you have been marked by Terra. Over your heart, in an area equal in size to the palm of your hand, your skin has paled, even appearing a silvery grey when the light strikes at certain angles. Sometimes you feel strange sensations in this area; a sudden chill or warmth, an itch, a tightening or loosening of the skin, etc. You believe these sensations may have some underlying causes or meanings, but only study and practice will reveal what these may be.

Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all saving throws vs. negative energy and death effects.


Unless otherwise noted, all abilities granted by these feats are exceptional in nature, and any feats which grant abilities that must be activated require a swift action to activate.

*This feat may be taken multiple times; each time it is taken, it is applied to a new skill/feat/ability/element/etc.

Edited by: cook on 1/24/13

9thdm, 1/24/13 21:47

Beastmark. Gain +3 to Handle Animal and Ride checks. This feat is a prerequisite for all other feats in this tree.

Bestial Nature. All creatures of the Animal type are neutral towards you unless attacked.

Bestial Heart. All creatures of the Animal type are friendly towards you unless attacked.

Bestial Senses. Gain +3 to Perception and Survival checks.

Eyes of the Beast. Gain Low-Light Vision and Darkvision 60'.

Ears of the Beast. Gain hearing-based Blindsight 30'.

Nose of the Beast. Gain Scent.

Verminous Nature. All creatures of the Vermin type are neutral towards you unless attacked.

Verminous Heart. All creatures of the Vermin type are friendly towards you unless attacked.

Verminous Body. Gain +3 to Acrobatics and Climb checks.

Verminous Touch. Gain Tremorsense 30'.

Verminous Gait. Gain Climb speed of 20'.

Verminous Bile. Gain a poisonous spit attack; ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10'. Poison is contact poison, dealing 1d2 Con damage a round until a successful Fort save is made. Save DC is 10 + 1/2 character level + Con modifier. On a critical hit, target is blinded for duration of poison plus an additional 1d6 rounds. This attack may be used a number of times per day equal to your Con modifier.

Edited by: 9thdm on 1/24/13

9thdm, 1/24/13 21:48

Dragonmark. Gain +3 to KN(Arcana) and Spellcraft checks. This feat is a prerequisite for all other feats in this tree.

*Draconic Magic. Choose a 0 level spell from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list; you may cast this spell as a spell-like ability 3 times per day. Your caster level is equal to your character level, and any save DC for such a spell is 10 + your Cha modifier.

*Improved Draconic Magic I. Choose a 1st level spell from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list; you may cast this spell as a spell-like ability once per day. The chosen spell cannot have a casting time of more than a standard action, and cannot require a material component cost greater than 5 gp. Your caster level is equal to your character level, and the save DC for such a spell is 10 + the spell's level + your Cha modifier.

*Improved Draconic Magic II - VI. See Improved Draconic Magic I; must be taken in order, progressing through 2nd level spells to 6th level spells.

Draconic Nature. Gain +4 on saves vs sleep/paralysis effects.

Draconic Heart. Gain +4 on saves vs fear effects; gain immunity to sleep/paralysis.

Draconic Soul. You gain frightful presence, useable for a number of rounds per day equal to your character level, with a radius of 10' per character level. Will save DC is 10 + 1/2 character level + Cha modifier.

Draconic Sorcery (Sorcerer w/Draconic bloodline). Treat your Cha as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.

Edited by: 9thdm on 1/24/13

9thdm, 1/24/13 21:48
Elemental Mark

*Elemental Mark. Gain energy resist 5 against chosen element, i.e. water/cold, fire/fire, air/electricity, earth/acid. This feat is a prerequisite for all other feats in this tree.

Elemental Channel. All melee attacks do an additional 1d6 elemental type damage; useable 1 round/character level a day. This is a supernatural ability.

Elemental Aura. When channeling, all creatures within 20' of you take 1d6 elemental type damage.

Improved Elemental Aura. Aura damage increases to 2d6.

Elemental Sheath. When channeling, all creatures who strike you in melee take 1d6 elemental type damage.

Improved Elemental Sheath. Sheath damage increases to 2d6.

Improved Elemental Channel. Damage on melee attacks increases to 2d6.

Elemental Nature. All creatures of the Elemental type you have chosen are neutral towards you unless attacked.

Elemental Heart. All creatures of the Elemental type you have chosen are friendly towards you unless attacked; creatures of all other elemental types are neutral towards you unless attacked. If multiple Elemental Marks are chosen, this feat fulfills the Elemental Nature feat prerequisite for all additional elements chosen.

Call Elemental Ally. Once per day, you may call for aid from an elemental of your chosen type as a full-round action. For purposes of determining the strength of the elemental that answers, treat as a Summon Monster spell of a spell level equivalent to 1/2 your character level (rounded down), with a caster level equal to your character level.

Elemental Sorcery (Sorcerer w/Elemental bloodline). Treat your Cha as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.

Improved Elemental Resistance. Gain energy resist 10.

Greater Elemental Resistance. Gain energy resist 20.

True Elemental Resistance. Gain immunity to energy type.

Edited by: 9thdm on 1/24/13

9thdm, 1/24/13 21:49
Firstmark (Human)

Firstmark (Human). Focusing on your inborn talents, your gravemark has begun to expand their scope and intensity.
Benefit: Gain a +2 bonus to two skills of your choice. This feat is a prerequisite for all other feats in this tree.
Prereqs: Must be a human, half-elf, half-orc, or human/elemental hybrid.

*Expanded Heritage (Human). Your gravemark has allowed you to develop traits that lie dormant within all those of your species.
Benefit: Gain a racial trait you do not currently possess, chosen from the following: Eye for Talent, Heart of the Fields, Heart of the Streets, or Heart of the Wilderness. This feat is a prerequisite for all other feats in this tree except Firstmark (Human).

Ability Focus. Your gravemark has bolstered your natural ability in one area.
Benefit: Gain +1 to any one ability score.

Greater Ability Focus. Further attention and meditation upon your gravemark has increased your newfound strength in one ability.
Benefit: Bonus from Ability Focus increases to +2.
Prereqs: Ability Focus.

*Natural Talent. Combining your meditation upon your gravemark with physical training has allowed you to overcome any previous shortcomings you possessed.
Benefit: Choose a feat from the following list; you do not need to meet the prerequisites for the feat in order to take it. Arcane Talent, Combat Expertise, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Improved Trip, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting.

*Skill Diversification. Combining your meditation upon your gravemark with the practice of a skill has allowed for a deeper understanding and mastery of that skill.
Benefit: Add any one skill as a class skill.

Skill Adept. You find that your gravemark has allowed you to learn and hone your skills even more easily than before.
Benefit: Gain one additional skill point per level (not retroactive).
Prereqs: Skill Diversification.

*Training Focus. Combining your meditation upon your gravemark with the development of your profession has granted you higher levels of competency in its practice.
Benefit: Choose a class ability that you possess. You may alter the ability in one of the following ways: If the ability grants a numeric bonus, increase this bonus by 1; if the ability may be used only a limited number of times per day, add an additional use per day; if the ability has a saving throw, increase the DC of the save by 2.

Edited by: 9thdm on 1/24/13

9thdm, 1/24/13 21:49
Genius Mark

*Genius Mark. Choose an ability score, i.e. Strength, Intelligence, etc.; you now gain a +1 insight bonus to all skills related to this score. This feat is a prerequisite for all other feats in this tree.

*Expanded Genius. The insight bonus granted from a single Genius Mark you possess now applies to all d20 checks modified by the chosen ability score, such as ability score checks, saving throws, attack rolls, etc.

*True Genius. Insight bonus granted from a single Expanded Genius Mark you possess now applies to all die rolls and derived statistics modified by the chosen ability score. If this feat is applied to a character's Constitution score, the insight bonus is applied to their hit dice. Prereqs: Expanded Genius.

*Focused Genius. Once per day, when making a d20 check modified by an ability score for which you possess an Expanded Genius Mark, you may add your character level to the roll. You must declare the use of this feat before the die is rolled. Prereqs: Expanded Genius.

*Clutch Genius. You may decide to use Focused Genius feat after the die is rolled, but before the result (i.e. success or failure) is determined. Prereqs: Expanded Genius, Focused Genius.

*Improved Genius (Character level 9+). The insight bonus granted from a single Genius Mark you possess increases to +2..

*Greater Genius (Character level 15+). The insight bonus granted from a single Improved Genius feat you possess increases to +3. Prereqs: Improved Genius.

*Versatile Genius. Once per day, you may substitute any d20 roll with an ability score check of any ability for which you possess the True Genius feat. The use of this feat allows for the use of the Focused/Clutch Genius feat if it is possessed. Prereqs: Expanded Genius, True Genius.

Edited by: 9thdm on 1/24/13

9thdm, 1/24/13 21:49

Ghostmark. You detect the presence of undead within 30'. This ability inceases by 10' for each additional feat taken which has this feat as a prerequisite. This feat is a prerequisite for all other feats in this tree.

Ghosttouched. All your attacks do 50% damage against insubstantial creatures.

Ghostsight. You may see invisible creatures to a range of 10' per character level.

Solid Spirit. All your attacks do 100% damage against insubstantial creatures, and all spells are 100% effective against such creatures.

Ghostwalk. You may turn insubstantial for a number of rounds per day equal to your character level.

Ghostbane. +2 hit, +2 damage against undead.

Improved Ghostbane. +4 hit, +4 damage against undead.

Greater Ghostbane. +6 hit, +6 damage against undead.

Master Ghostbane. When you score a critical hit against an undead creature, it must make a Will save or be reduced to 0 hit points. For mindless undead, the save DC is equal to 10 + your character level + Wis modifier; for sentient undead it is equal to 10 + 1/2 your character level + Wis modifier.

Ghost Sorcery (Sorcerer w/Undead bloodline). Treat your Cha as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.

Edited by: 9thdm on 1/24/13

9thdm, 1/24/13 21:50
Mother's Mark

Mother's Mark. You detect the presence of Outsiders within 30'. This ability inceases by 10' for each additional feat taken which has this feat as a prerequisite. This feat is a prerequisite for all other feats in this tree.

Mother's Wrath. +2 hit, +2 damage against Outsiders.

Improved Wrath. +4 hit, +4 damage against Outsiders.

Greater Wrath. +6 hit, +6 damage against Outsiders.

Mother's Guidance. +4 to confirm criticals against Outsiders.

Master Wrath. Automatically confirm critical hits against Outsiders.

Mother's Touch (BAB +3). Ignore 5 DR of Outsiders.

Improved Touch (BAB +8). Ignore 10 DR of Outsiders.

Greater Touch (BAB +13). Ignore 15 DR of Outsiders.

Master Touch (BAB +18). Ignore any and all DR Outsiders may have.

Edited by: 9thdm on 1/24/13

9thdm, 1/24/13 21:50
Terra's Mark

Terra's Mark. Gain +3 to KN(Nature) and KN(Religion) checks. This feat is a prerequisite for all other feats in this tree.

Terra's Blessing. Gain +1 on all saving throws.

Terra's Kiss. You automatically stabilize when reduced to less than 0 hit points. Also, as a standard action you may touch a dying a creature to stabilize them.

Terra's Heart. You naturally heal at twice the normal rate, i.e. 2 hp/level and 2 temporary ability damage/level per night of rest, and 4 hp/level and 4 temporary ability damage per full day of bed rest. You also heal at half the above rate when reduced to negative hit points and left untended.

Edited by: 9thdm on 1/24/13

Gravemark feats - Beastmark - Dragonmark - Elemental Mark - Firstmark (Human) - Genius Mark - Ghostmark - Mother's Mark - Terra's Mark