League of the Broken Horn -- Jake's background (1 posts)

thread created on 1/15/22 at 14:48

Jake's background

John Smith, 1/15/22 14:48
Jake's background

You were born in <blank> to a large extended family of halflings. The most famous of your family is your great-great-grandfather Jingo Longpipe. He was a prolific author /adventurer whose wealth has sustained your family in comfort to this day. Your father, being a bit of a braggart after a few pints, has claimed many times that the Longpipes are all natural author/adventures.

A jealous community has been taunting your family for years for your dad's claims and for living off Jingo's legacy. A few years ago your father decided he would proclaim that he would go on an adventure and write a book to show everyone the Longpipes' mettle. He grabbed one of Jingo's private maps along with it's accompanying journal and began to study. What he read left him visibly shaken. He refused to go.
Now the family was branded cowards as well.

Tired of the taunts and whispers you decided to study the private library of Jingo. Maps, journals, texts on every subject imaginable. You read and studied them all. The last journals detailed information on Demon Seeds, and possible locations where they might be, and collected notes and knowledge of the Demon Lords themselves, in addition to a group known as the League of the Broken Horn.

Selected works in tow, you set out to write your book.

Edited by: John Smith on 1/15/22

Jake's background