Trudge -- ED Character generation part 2 (2 posts)

thread created on 2/3/21 at 17:27

ED Character generation part 2 - What I've Got So Far

John Smith, 2/3/21 17:27
ED Character generation part 2

Here's what we need to drill down for your character:

Hight Concept:


1. Write a short paragraph detailing your 1st real adventure. Define an aspect relating to the adventure.

2. Write an anecdote about you and your Argonian contact. Define an aspect relating to the anecdote.

3. We will leave the 3rd Aspect open that can be devised during play.


One Great (+4) skill (assigned)
Two Good (+3) skills (min 1 assigned)
Three Fair (+2) skills (min 1 assigned)
Four Average (+1) skills (min 2 assigned)

I would like the Great skill assigned as well ashalf of the other skills (rounded down).
Also, I would like the Great and Good skills to be different for each character. Shouldn't be difficult in a two man party.

There will be a maximum stunt limit equal to the value of the skill.


You start with 3 refresh. Which means you have 3 fate points to start each session.
You start with 3 free stunts. Extra stunts can be purhased at the cost of 1 stunt/1 refresh.

9thdm, 2/10/21 16:52
What I've Got So Far

Hight Concept: Jaded Blades Agent
Trouble: Left In The Wind


1. Write a short paragraph detailing your 1st real adventure. Define an aspect relating to the adventure.
Born into a noble Imperial family, as a young man was brought into the fold regarding the source of his family's great wealth: smuggling skooma. He alerted authorities and secretly worked with the Blades to bring down his family and their smuggling network. Following his family's downfall he was recruited by the Blades and his role in the affair kept secret. With his now-notorious family name he had instant credibility to work his way deeper and deeper into the Empire's criminal underverse.
Aspect: Life-Long Criminal

2. Write an anecdote about you and your Argonian contact. Define an aspect relating to the anecdote.

3. We will leave the 3rd Aspect open that can be devised during play.


One Great (+4) skill: Deceive
Two Good (+3) skills (min 1 assigned): Contacts
Three Fair (+2) skills (min 1 assigned):Rapport
Four Average (+1) skills (min 2 assigned): Athletics, Lore


You start with 3 refresh. Which means you have 3 fate points to start each session.


You start with 3 free stunts. Extra stunts can be purchased at the cost of 1 stunt/1 refresh.

Contacts / Criminal Underbelly. Whenever you enter a settlement for the first time, you can spend a fate point to declare that the local criminals know you. Choose one of the following: they have a lead on a promising job, they'll give you and your companions free room and board for a few weeks, or they'll help you with something right now but you might owe them afterward.

Edited by: 9thdm on 2/10/21

ED Character generation part 2 - What I've Got So Far