E6 -- Bullshit (7 posts)

thread created on 11/5/15 at 14:23

Bullshit - Re: Bullshit - Stuff to come - Updates - kingmaker - Re: kingmaker - Re: kingmaker

cook, 11/5/15 14:23

There's a guy who made a significant effort to E6-ize pathfinder, here: http://p6codex.com/
I didn't study it in detail but on first glance it looked pretty reasonable. Just mentioning it in case you had not seen it yet.

E6 DM, 11/6/15 20:49
Re: Bullshit

There's a guy who made a significant effort to E6-ize pathfinder, here: http://p6codex.com/
I didn't study it in detail but on first glance it looked pretty reasonable. Just mentioning it in case you had not seen it yet.

Yeah, I saw this, but I don't think it's worth the confusion/effort of trying to use a whole set of slightly different rules for every class; I have a hard enough time distinguishing 3.5 rules and Pathfinder rules as it is.

E6 DM, 11/13/15 23:03
Stuff to come

Just a heads up, over the next week I'll be putting up some campaign-specific equipment and some pathfinder stuff that's well suited to adventuring in the City of Gears, in case you're looking for stuff to spend money on.

I know I pointed this out to Jerry, but just to be clear, there are no firearms in Antequethera. This isn't to say the gunpowder doesn't work or anything like that, it's just that they have developed clockwork analogues for most things. The powers that be in Antequethera don't want to fall prey to the fate of Matreciel, and so any sort of research/development of alternate technologies/power sources such as chemical, electrical, etc. is strongly discouraged and/or illegal.

Edited by: E6 DM on 11/13/15

E6 DM, 12/1/15 22:24

Added the last of the Old Colonies, which is now at the top of the entry. I've made fair headway into the New Colonies (the Floatyards, Sunlands, and Qurtaan Peninsula) but haven't finished a complete entry for any yet.

I figure that we're probably not going to be able to meet in person thsi month, so my goal is to post up the beginning of the first adventure before Christmas. Before that I've still got the new Colonies and an equipment list to post up, which will hopefully be coming in short order.

My thought is to make 2 threads for each adventure, a gameplay thread and a discussion thread; so gameplay would only have actual character actions and die rolls, while the discussion thread would have all the questions and remarks and stuff. I like to try and keep the gameplay stuff as clean and uncluttered as possible.

Your characters both look good, though I haven't gone over them in detail. I believe both fo you are still missing bits here and there, not counting equipment - when I get to sitting down and reading them thoroughly I'll let you know any suggestions I have for spare traits and such.

Alexander, 9/1/16 09:34

If we do the kingmaker thing... I have always sort of wanted to make a guy where they are like: "This situation is intractable. Send in the Ambassador to negotiate." And everyone is like "Oh shit!" ... And he goes over there and negotiates...and then that fails and they send in a message like "Ambassador, let the illumination of diplomacy shine through" or something and he just kills everybody in the enemy HQ and escapes back out. I don't know how I'd pull it off -- maybe a monk or inquisitor or urban druid or something. But anyway, it seems to have potential in this sort of campaign?

9thdm, 9/1/16 11:10
Re: kingmaker

If we do the kingmaker thing... I have always sort of wanted to make a guy where they are like: "This situation is intractable. Send in the Ambassador to negotiate." And everyone is like "Oh shit!" ... And he goes over there and negotiates...and then that fails and they send in a message like "Ambassador, let the illumination of diplomacy shine through" or something and he just kills everybody in the enemy HQ and escapes back out. I don't know how I'd pull it off -- maybe a monk or inquisitor or urban druid or something. But anyway, it seems to have potential in this sort of campaign?

I would say monk or rogue.

Alexander, 9/4/16 13:01
Re: kingmaker

Thinking a ranger. A lesser nobleman warrior who they are sending out to try to do whatever the mission is, and have him accompany Savio.

here're some ideas i came up with:

a throwback to the old glory days from one of the houses, they are uncomfortable with him, sent him away... he will start over with a new empire the way it should be...
could be either from the conquerers and just thinks current regime is decadent and sees himself as destined, or could be from one of the conquered houses and wants to renew his house's glory and eventually put the conquerers in their place.
maybe a paladin? ("the intimidate paladin")
maybe a ranger?
maybe a spellcaster?

dwarf who was a follower of the dragon god, secretly out for revenge.
Something divine, I guess. Maybe a blight druid or cave druid.
Or a dwarf out for some other reason...maybe really drank the koolaid. maybe a stonelord? looks cool.

a guy in good standing from one of the houses, sent out to actually accomplish the mission, "and take Savio here with you."
maybe a ranger or a druid.
what else is going on with this guy?
maybe he could be the koolaid dwarf, from the royal family's sort of personal stock. why would they send him instead of one of their own guys? Are there a lot of mountains out there? maybe they want him in charge of building fortifications out there?

A philosopher who sees the mind or the perfection of self as key to success, and thinks savio's obsession with weaponry is silly. For banter with Savio. But why is he there? perhaps a monk or ninja or arcanist of some kind.

maybe someone from a yet-unconquered kingdom, perhaps undercover, trying to set up a vassal state for the other side to buffer the conquerers. maybe he actually is The Ambassador, but sent from the other side?

Edited by: Alexander on 9/4/16

Bullshit - Re: Bullshit - Stuff to come - Updates - kingmaker - Re: kingmaker - Re: kingmaker